


  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery part of the Best Dutch Book Designs 2022&2023 Exhibition at UNFOLD 2024 Art Book Fair, Sea World Culture and Arts Center, Shenzhen, China

I am so pleased and honoured to share that “Far Away From Home: The Voices, the Body and the Periphery” received the 2024 Kraszna-Krausz Photography Book Award!!

"Hristina Tasheva is an exceptional example of the recent phenomenon of photographic artists employing research-based methods to address a complex global theme, to critically question an specific issue, or to course-correct the historical record. Tasheva examines the Dutch communist resistance against the German occupation during World War II while at the same time looking at the history of the communist regime in Bulgaria. Self-reflexively informed by her own personal political subject position, Tasheva draws upon found imagery, archival research, and carefully selected excerpts from a wide range of texts. The result of which is a truly thought-provoking photobook that addresses the politics of remembrance; personal and cultural identity; nationalism; and individual and collective memory.”

Anthony Luvera, 2024 Photography Award Judge


© Penelope Thomaidi

  Heartfelt thank you to the jury Sylvia Sachini, Ioli Tzanetaki, Enri Canaj and Eduardo Cadava for granting Far Away From Home: The Voices, the Body and the Periphery with APhF Pick:24 Book Award!!

The long list of the Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards will on display as part of the Photo London Fair.

Please, visit the Kraszna-Krausz booth located in Space P11, Publishing Section in the East Wing of Somerset House (Strand, London WC2R 1LA).The fair runs Thursday 16 – Sunday 19 May.



The long list of the Kraszna-Krausz Book Awards has been made public.

“Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery” is one of the ten titles chosen in the Photography Book award category by the jury Mariama Attah, Anthony Luvera and Eugénie Shinkle.

I feel so honoured and grateful!!

Eugénie Shinkle: “I was really struck by the innovative way that photography and language are brought together in this volume. Scraps and fragments of text – poetic and deeply moving – are merged with archival images and Tasheva’s own austere architectural photographs. A beautifully measured work that recognises the limits of both image and text to fully articulate complex experiences of cultural trauma and loss..”


  Far Away From Home will be presented as part of the Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards 2023 exhibition at Tenderbooks.
The opening reception will be on Tuesday 14 May, 6-8pm during PhotoLondon week. The exhibition continues until Saturday 1 June, Tuesday - Saturday, 12-6pm.
  You are welcome!!

It was a pleasure to meet and talk to Peter Romijn!! Many thanks to him and FOTODOK for the attention to "Far Away from Home"!!

The interview is published on

  Many thanks to Zach Ritter for this interview on Far Away From Home published on the American Suburb X website!!
  Far Away From Home: The Voices, the Body and the Periphery has been included in the selection of The Best Dutch Book Designs by the expert and student jury!!

Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery will be part of FOTODOK BOOK TALKS #37 at Tivoli Utrecht & Online on 13/02/2024 at 20:00h

The FOTODOK Book Club is the platform for the stories behind photo books. In this live talk show, photographer and photo book lovers Rob Hornstra and Giya Makondo-Wills interview the story makers – photographers, designers and publishers. They share special stories about a variety of subjects with the audience.
  Article on Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery: De Holanda a Bulgaria, imágenes de los dos extremos del comunismo, written by Gloria Crespo MacLennan was published in Babelia - El País
2023 Paris Photo-Aperture PhotoBook Awards Shortlist has begun its exhibition tour.

The exhibition officially opened at Printed Matter in Chelsea on January 11th, and there will be an opening reception from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. on Saturday January 20th. From there, it will be on view till February 24th before moving to the next venue.

Many nominated titles will be available for sale in limited quantities. Remaining stock will be available for online sales beginning Monday, January 22.

  Behind these doors, I made a presentation on “Far Away from Home: the voices, the body and the periphery" to the class of Prof. Olaf Nicolai at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, Germany
  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery selected by Merel Bem, Arno Haijtema en Mark Moormanas as one of the best ten Dutch photo books of the year for the Dutch national newspaper de Volkskrant
  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery in Viory Schelleken's Favorite Books of 2023,
  You are welcome to DRUK! Boeken en drukwerk van bijzondere uitgevers in Paradiso, Amsterdam!
  From 1-18 November Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery will be shown at Paris Photo - Aperture Photobook Awards Room of delpire & co in Paris, France
  From 7-10 November 2023 Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery will be part of Paris Photo - Aperture Photobook Awards Exhibition, Grand Palais Ephémère, Paris, France
  So happy and honoured to see "Far Away from Home: The Voices, the Body and the Periphery" shortlisted for this year’s Paris Photo–Aperture PhotoBook Awards!!
  Welcome to Apples & Oranges artists' books fair at C-mine in Genk (Belgium) on Sunday 01.10.2023 from 13.00-18.00!
  Immigration et identités, un entretien avec Hristina Tasheva by Maria Xypolopoulou, 9 Lives magazine, online publication
  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery and In belief is power at bring your own book (BYOB) - from the 15th of September until the 15th of October - an exhibition, display and fair of DIY and self published books and other printed matter. Location: ENTER ENTER, Nieuwe Herengracht 11A, Amsterdam (NL)
  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery at the Collective Display of Athens Art Book Fair (Greece)

Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery is on the shortlist for the Les Rencontres d'Arles - Photo -Text Book Award!

Exhibition location: Monoprix, 3 JULY - 24 SEPTEMBER 2023, 10.00 AM - 07.30 PM


Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery is shortlisted for the Encontros da Imagem - Photobook Award!

Exhibition location: Galeria da Estação
Largo da Estação n° 40, 4700-223 Braga
Tuesday → Saturday: 2.30pm to 7pm

  Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery is part of the selection of Natasha Christia at Arts Libris!
  I am extremely happy to introduce my new artist book Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery!!
  My new book - Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery- is expexcted in May 2023!!

From March 25 to May 21 2023, the 13th edition of the Circulation(s) festival (CENTQUATRE-PARIS, France) will take place exhibiting the work of 27 European artists.

Since 2019, the festival highlights an emerging European photographic scene in its focus. In 2023 it will be the scene in Bulgaria. I am glad to be one of the four invited artists (with the project In Belief is Power) next to Martin Atanasov, Mihail Novakov, and Tihomyr Stoyanov.


Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery will be presented at Personal Galeria Tarragona, part of SCAN Festival in Tarragona (Spain)

Opening: 18/11/2022 at 6:30 p.m. Duration: 18/11/2022 - 08/01/2023

Guided tour: 19/11/2022 at 7 p.m. WELCOME!!


'Far Away from Home' part of the International Photo Festival Leiden 2021 will be a guest of Head On Photo Festival in Sydney, Australia from 4 Nov 2022 until 4 Dec 2022!!

Location: Bondi Beach NSW, Australia

  Welcome to [N/A]RODNA ZEMYA, a group exhibition organized by KOMETA Projects!
  Statistic Figures in the fourth issue HOME of EUROPEAN IMAGES photographic newsletter on European matters, a project by n-ost (DE), in collaboration with Athens Live (GR), Kajet (RO), and Pismo (PL)):

The 9th Focus Issue of MAI, dedicated to Photography & Resistance is out!!

Many thanks to Cristina Nualart (Adjunct Professor, Arts and Humanities Division, IE University) for the interview "A Woman with Brown Hair’s Journey to the White Country: An Interview with Hristina Tasheva" and the guest editor of the MAI Journal Kylie Thomas (Senior Researcher, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies) for selecting the interview as part of the summer edition:

  PUK!'s new website is ready - a new online photobook store that continues the efforts of PUK! in popularising photobooks in Bulgaria and presenting the Bulgarian photobook scene abroad. In this selection of photobooks by Bulgarian authors you can find also my last two publications In belief is power and The queen of the animals and the most beautiful gardens:
  I am glad that my book "In Belief Is Power" became part of the collection of independent artist books "Tirazh", based in Sofia (Bulgaria)! Tirazh will be launched with an exhibition of an initial selection of over 45 editions: 09.06 – 29.06.2022, Opening: June 9, 6.30 - 9 pm, Gallery KO-OP, 17 Yanko Sakazov Blvd in Sofia
  My self-published books will be at the second edition of The Other Book Fair #2.1 from 27th to 29th of May at Quartair in The Hague, The Netherlands!
  I will bring my publications for the first time to Ghent Art Book Fair that takes place May 7th and 8th (from 11.00 to 18.00) at Kunsthal Ghent in Belgium. Welcome!
  In Belief Is Power will be shown at Encontros da Imagem - Photobook Award Exhibition (shortlisted photobooks from years 2020 and 2021) -> 17 September-31 October in Braga (Portugal)!!
  In Belief is Power will be part of the group exhibition Future Oracles (Sofia Art Week #4) in Sofia (Bulgaria) from 22 - 27 September. Opening on 22 September at 19:00h, Ulica Serdica 24, the former restaurant Ohljiov. Welcome!
  International Photo Festival Leiden at Photoville Festival, Old Fulton Street and Prospect Street, DUMBO Brooklyn (New York, USA)
  The 5th Edition of the International Photo Festival Leiden (the Netherlands) will take place from September 17 – October 31, 2021. My new work in progress "Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery" will be part of it.
  Presenting 'Far away from home: the voices, the body and the periphery (work in progress)' in an event organised by Second Thoughts (a collective exploration on Eastern Europeanness), Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  Interview on my artist practice with Patrycja Rozwora, part of her podcast series Kitchen Conversations,
  The installation In Belief Is Power will be part of the exhibition 'In Belief Is Power', EXPOPLU, Arnhem, the Netherlands
  An interview with Maya Hristova (founder and curator of EEP Berlin) on my artist practice and the research and making of my last two books. The first part is on the publication The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Gardens, published on
  An interview on my self-publishing practice, part of a series of interviews "Meanwhile in ... " is published on
  Glad to share bits of my artist's archive and process with the ARCHIVE HOTEL ed. 3, 2020!!
  In Belief Is Power selected by Liza Premiyak and The Calvert Journal for one of the eight best photo books of 2019
  In Belief Is Power selected by Merel Bem, Arno Haijtema en Mark Moorman as one of the ten best Dutch photo books of the 2019 for the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant
  In Belief is Power by Sabrina Mandanici, (Photobooks)
  Statistic Figures in KAJET Journal no. 3 ON STRUGGLE (a journal of Eastern European encounters)
  In belief is power will be at the Self-publishers section of the Book Market at Fiebre Photobook Festival (Sala El Águila de la Comunidad de Madrid)
  In belief is power will be part of the Shared artists' panel at Printing Plant Art Book Fair (Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam) from 23 November until 24 November 2019
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Gardens at Riso Revolution, The Other Book Festival 2019, Quartair, The Hague, The Netherlands

I will be selling my last two publications and showing older ones on Sunday December 1, 2019 at The Grey Space in The Middle, The Hague (NL). Opening hours: 11:00-18:00


photo (c) 2019

I will present my new work in progress at the first event at Tique Art Space in Antwerp (Belgium) that it will take place from September 26 till September 28th 2019.

  Be welcome to the solo exhibition In belief is power in Gallery Synthesis (Sofia, Bulgaria) from 19th September - 12th October 2019!!
  THE FALLEN, THE LEANING, THE BROKEN, THE DEAD goes with Photobookshow to International Photography Symposium “NIDA 2019. Meeting Photography” in Lithuania. Opening at Amber Gallery-Museum (Pamario str. 20), Wednesday, September 11th, 1.30 p.m.
  In belief is power is part of the Rencontres d’Arles, the 2019 Book Awards Exhibition from 1 July until 22 September
  At the LCCA Summer School Communicating Difficult Pasts in Kuldīga 2019, Latvia
  In Belief is Power will be part of the The Photobook Exhibition at Indian Photography Festival - HYDERABAD, State Art Gallery, Hyderabad, India from 19 Sept. - 20 Oct. 2019
  In Belief is Power will be part of the Photobook Show at Athens Photo Festival (Benaki Museum in Athens, Greece) from 13 June until 28 July

The shortlisted books of Unseen Dummy Award will be displayed at Belfast Photo Festival from the 9th of June until 30th of June!! Opening: 2pm, Sunday 9 June, Venue: Framewerk

  In Belief is Power will be part of PHotoEspaña's Best Photography Book of the Year Award Exhibition at Biblioteca Nacional de España in Madrid (Spain) from 6th of June till 1st of September 2019
  Text from my publication "Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of Your Dreams” will be part of the first edition of the Carbon Copy Exhibition (.../CC01) at Tique Art Space (Korte Vlierstraat 5, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium) from Jun 6th at 7 PM till Jun 16th, 2019
  Tique | art paper: Six Questions: Hristina Tasheva, (print and online publication about contemporary art), 2019

  I recieved a copy of the Harvard Design Magazine (No Sweat, No. 46 – F / W 2018) where Miya Tokumitsu mentions the documentary of Suzanne Raes "The Houses of Hristina" (2007) in her article "A Fine Mess", supported also by an image from my project "A Better Life."
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Gardens will be part of International Art Book & Zine Exhibition, Fanzineist Vienna Art Book & Zine Fair, Nordbahnhalle in Vienna, Austria from 24 to 26th of May 2019
  In Belief is Power is at the long list of the Dutch Photobook Award and it will be exhibited in the Gele Loods at FotoFestival Naarden in the Netherlands from 25th of May until 30st of June
  In Belief is Power: SOLO EXHIBITION & BOOK PRESENTATION, VERNISSAGE: 9th April 2019 18:30, Exhibition duration: 10-21 April 2019 at EEP Berlin's Gallery Space (Berlin/Germany)
  In Belief is Power is part of Photo Book Exhibition at FOTO WIEN (Otto Wagner Postsparkasse, Vienna, Austria)
  Presentation of In belief is power in the Dutch newspaper Trouw: Letter&Geest, text by Christine Baart
  In belief is power will be part of the exhibition Prospects & Concepts at Art Rotterdam in Van Nellefabriek (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
  In belief is power will be part of the exhibition GO - WENT - GONE in Contemporary Space (Varna, Bulgaria) from Dec 21 (2018) till Jan 19 (2019)

In the end of November I will present my book "In belief is power" for the first time in Sofia (Bulgaria) thanks to the kind invitation of ПУК - photobook platform, Structura Gallery for providing the beautiful space, Velina Stoykova Poststudio for preparing the design of the poster and Mondriaan Fonds for the financial support.

  Добре е хората по-често да поставят под съмнение това, в което вярват, Interview on the book In Belief is Power with Mariana Gancheva and Nadezhda Pavlova, Време и половина, Hristo Botev, Bulgarian National Radio - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018
  In Belief is Power won Full Contact 2018 Award part of SCAN Tarragona Festival in Spain
  As a starting self-publisher, I booked a table to exhibit my publications at the PRESENT section (with contemporary publishers) of Antwerp Academy Art Book Fair 2018. Be WELCOME!
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden will be shown at Encontros da Imagem, Photobooks Exhibition, Edifício do Castelo, Braga, Portugal
  In Belief is Power by Colin Pantall,
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden will be exhibited at SCAN Tarragona Festival from from 17th October to 9th Decembre 2018, Opening: 17th October at 7 pm at Tinglado 2 – Port de Tarragona, Spain
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Gardens became part of the selection made by the students jury of The Best Dutch Book Designs
  My book In Belief is Power is selected for Unseen Dummy Award and will be exhibited at Unseen 2018 from 21st to 23rd of September in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  In Belief is Power will be part of Photobook Showcase at Singapore International Photography Festival from 5 to 30 of September, National Design Centre, Gallery I and from 5 to 30 October at National Library Building, Open Plaza in Singapore
  In Belief is Power will be presented at Full Contact 2018, SCAN Tarragona Festival, Tinglado 1, Tarragona Port, Tarragona, Spain
  In 2017 the book is presented in 'de Helling' (Dutch magazine on politics, culture and society)
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden part of the exhibition "The Family of No Man", Arles Cosmos 2018 (France) from the 2nd until 7th of July
  Presentation of the book The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden at Contemporary Space in Varna (Bulgaria), 28 of June, 7 p.m.
  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden will be part of the Photobook Exhibition of Athens Photo Festival, in Benaki Museum (Athens, Greece)

The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden will be part of J Book Show in Lewis Glucksman Gallery, Cork Photo Festival in Ireland on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th of April 2018.

  The Queen of the Animals and the Most Beautiful Garden at Liege Photobook Festival
  Untitled (Earth) will be part of the exhibition You want it darker at Garage Rotterdam
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) selected for AWAKE! Reading Room (10×10 Photobooks) at Image Text Ithaca Symposium, Ithaca College Campus, NY, USA
  BIO ROB 20 18 part of The Frame That Blinds Us
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) selected for AWAKE! Reading Room (10×10 Photobooks) at Magnum Foundation
  Dead Darlings Art Auction #9, Foam Fusion Festival, FOAM, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  LETTERS TO MY MOTHER at 23. International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art (Laughing in the Face of...), Gabrovo, Bulgaria (19th May - 30th September 2017)
  THE QUEEN OF THE ANIMALS AND THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDENS at Reclaim Photography Festival, West Midlands (on 6th May at different locations)
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) selected for AWAKE! Reading Room (10×10 Photobooks) at PGH Photo Fair
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Even My Mum Can Make a Book [Zes 6 Six] 2017, Corridor Project Space, Amsterdam
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) with Liège Photobook Festival at Fig. 2017, SPACE, Liege (Belgium)
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at SCAN Tarragona Festival, Tinglado 2, Tarragona Port
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Felifa FoLa, Fototeca Latinoamericana
  VARNA - SOFIA 1240h - 2024h at Borderless/Borderline, Slideluck Tokyo II, Galaxy-Gingaikei
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Liege Photobook Festival
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Photobook Award and Show (Boundaries, Borders and Limits), Museum of Photography, Maribor, Slovenia
  BIO ROB 20 18 at PERFORATOR 2016 (Theater and production house De Generator), de Vrijplaats, Leiden, The Netherlands
  BIO ROB 20 18 at Helicotrema Festival 2016, The Laboratory of Doubt, Turin, Italy
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Encontros da Imagem, Casa Esperança
  BIO ROB 20 18 part of Helicotrema Festival 2016 at "World Breakers", Centrale Fies, Dro, Italy
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Athens Photo Festival ([MIS/DIS]PLACED), Benaki Museum
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Riga Photomonth, Latvian Railroad History Museum
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Le PhotobookFest, Galerie des Ateliers d'Artistes de Belleville, Paris
  BIO ROB 20 18 at the Symposium "Tussen zwerven en wonen"
  THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Unseen Dummy Award 2015, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  ASPECT RATIO at "fotopub" festival, KC Janeza Trdine
  goud hemel roze honing a portrait of my dutch husband, IMAGINE THAT THE MIGRANT WAS NOT A HUMAN BEING... and THE WOMAN WITH THE BROWN HAIR (WBH) at Castrum Peregrini